Demonstracja uważnego oddychania
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Moja obecna inicjatywa związana z pandemią. Od miesiąca przebywam w kwarantannie, aby spowolnić wirusa. W ten sam sposób chcę wziąć odpowiedzialność za rozprzestrzenianie się niepokoju.
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If you are looking for motivation on how to use your time at home in the most productive way, we have a few tricks for you. I’m currently at Great Vow Zen Monastery locked down like many other people around the world. In Zen, we try to see every situation as an opportunity and make…
The Lotus Sutra is one of the most fundamental and influential teachings in Buddhism, dating back to 150 CE. In April 2019, I was fortunate to attend a month-long practice period at Upaya Zen Center themed around this seminal text. We each chose one parable from the text to explore as suggested by teachers Joshin…
How can you convert a strong God believer into someone who opposes everything that the Holy Commandments represent? Just cast a spell: “Abracadabra, God does not exist and claiming so is against logic“. Regardless if you keep or skip “abracadabra”, you will create hell. How can you convert a very rational modernist into his irrational…
The main benefit from observing the mind when sleeping is its isolation from external stimuli. Thus, we can be pretty sure that any mental activity is not in response to an external situation but it is a consequence of internal excitement. Sigmund Freud believed that the role of a dream is to prevent a person…
What is the purpose of this? What should I do? What’s the plan? How advanced am I? Am I doing it right? How close am I? These are questions asked by most psychoanalytical patients and meditation practitioners, especially at the beginning. There is one final answer to all of them and it will be revealed…
Psychoanalysts are famous for replying with silence to patient’s inquiries. They do not talk much and do not reveal much information about themselves. It’s not because they are shy or modest but they want to protect one of their main tools i.e. projection and projective identification. When the patient does not know facts about his…