Half a million mindful breaths for the world
We celebrate 500,000 breaths for calming down the world’s anxiety. Yes – it is half a million! / Świętujemy 500.000 oddechów w intencji ukojenia świata. Tak – to już pól miliona! See more details here.
Texts written in English
We celebrate 500,000 breaths for calming down the world’s anxiety. Yes – it is half a million! / Świętujemy 500.000 oddechów w intencji ukojenia świata. Tak – to już pól miliona! See more details here.
We have just reached 250.000 mindful breaths. The goal is 1 million. See more details here.
Today, we celebrate 100,000 mindful breaths taken in the intention to calm down the world!!! The project was started to help to ease the anxiety caused by covid-19. A lot of good energy was accumulated. Thank you all who joined!
Ponad 50,000 uważnych oddechów!!! / More than 50,000 mindful breaths were taken!!!
Ponad 30,000 uważnych oddechów!!! / More than 30,000 mindful breaths were taken!!! All in intention to calm down the world’s anxiety. You can check yourself what is the current number. Thank you all who joined! Wszystkie one zostały wykonane w intencji ukojenia światowego niepokoju. Sprawdź sam, jaka jest dokładna liczba. Dziękuję tym, co wzięli udział! #BreathingForWorld
Polish Freedom Network zachęca do wysłania poniższego listu do senatorów i kongresmenów amerykańskich w sprawie zatrzymania inscenizacji wyborów w Polsce.
Ponad 10,000 uważnych oddechów!!! / More than 10,000 mindful breaths were taken!!!
Count with me. See more about the project here.
Please check the main page for Breathing For the World.
If you are looking for motivation on how to use your time at home in the most productive way, we have a few tricks for you. I’m currently at Great Vow Zen Monastery locked down like many other people around the world. In Zen, we try to see every situation as an opportunity and make…