Texts written in English

Must God Obey Logic?

How can you convert a strong God believer into someone who opposes everything that the Holy Commandments represent? Just cast a spell: “Abracadabra, God does not exist and claiming so is against logic“. Regardless if you keep or skip “abracadabra”, you will create hell. How can you convert a very rational modernist into his irrational…

Dream Theory

The main benefit from observing the mind when sleeping is its isolation from external stimuli. Thus, we can be pretty sure that any mental activity is not in response to an external situation but it is a consequence of internal excitement. Sigmund Freud believed that the role of a dream is to prevent a person…

What is the Purpose?

What is the purpose of this? What should I do? What’s the plan? How advanced am I? Am I doing it right? How close am I? These are questions asked by most psychoanalytical patients and meditation practitioners, especially at the beginning. There is one final answer to all of them and it will be revealed…

Silence and Thoughts

Psychoanalysts are famous for replying with silence to patient’s inquiries. They do not talk much and do not reveal much information about themselves. It’s not because they are shy or modest but they want to protect one of their main tools i.e. projection and projective identification. When the patient does not know facts about his…

Setting and Form

Psychoanalysis is usually criticized for its rigid rules referred to as the setting. A patient meets his psychoanalyst 5 times a week for 50 minutes always at the same time and place. Meetings cannot be canceled, extended or moved. If the patient does not come, his psychoanalyst waits for him and expects the payment anyway.…

Comparing Psychoanalysis and Zen

Although, psychoanalysis has always had the greatest influence on me, recently, I have had more opportunities to dive into Zen meditation. I was struck by the many similarities between both techniques which motivated me to consolidate my understanding of these two techniques. I’m going to treat them only as mental techniques and separate them from their…